Today´s flower, It´s spring

Photo by Artlover/LH
Click to enlarge

This is one of my first exposures from my new camera, which I am very pleased with. I´ve got a small Leica, a compact camera with the same settings as an SLR and can take raw files.

Exposure: 1/250 sec, f/2,8, Focal Length 5.1 mm (24 mm in 35 mm film), ISO 100. Camera: Leica D-Lux 5.
The image is processed in Lightroom 3.

Posted for:
Macro Monday
Today´s Flowers

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Kala sa…
Beautiful color!
Gunsside sa…
Veldig lekker blåveis ;))
Karen sa…
An excellent image. Such a gorgeous colour. Congrats on the new camera. I have a new one as well that I am experimenting with.
Wonderful macro! It looks like your camera is really great in taking photos.
Carver sa…
I love the deep purple color of the beautiful flower. Great shot!
Chesney sa…
Loving that blast of color...Spring is finally here! Gorgeous!
Susanne sa…
Ljuva vårblommor=)
En underbar bild på en underbar blomma! =)
great shot, Leif. I am the guest this week and I´m here to say you THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
nice day

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