Despite our deficient, we keep ourselves above the water

Photo by Artlover, LH
Click to enlarge the picture

Sepia Scenes

Wordless Wednesday

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Godt sett - og flott fanget!
Carletta sa…
Perfect rendering of the sepia tone. I'm thinking this is also quite nice in color; but perhaps you took the shot in sepia originally.
Marice sa…
as always, u made a wonderful sepia shot! ;)


mine is up too
Interesting and intriguing but what are those things?
kayerj sa…
I'm with Annie--
it's very intriguing but I don't know what they are.

If you want to wander down my road I’m home.
Heidi sa…
I love the lily pads! Very fun and as always interesting subject. I honestly have no idea what it is. Could you enlighten me? Love the photo though!
If you'd like to stop by my blog I'm at Cake Crumbs.

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