Skywatch Friday — Blue mood in the sky

Photo by Artlover, LH
Click to enlarge the image

Skywatch Friday

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Anonym sa…
There's a real urban edge to this - I love that strong sky.
Gunilla sa…
Fantastisk himmel och de skarpa kontrasterna av metallen och ledningarna gör den väldigt dramatisk.
Ha en fortsatt fin kväll
AKO sa…
Visst ser himlen lite blåtung ut, men jag gillar när den gör det. :) Hellre det än jämngrå eller jämnvit.
Carletta sa…
Definitely a moody blue sky enhanced by the stark silhouettes of the lines.
Nice capture.

Carletta’s Captures.
Jane sa…
Nice, that sky looks very grey and cold. Thanks for sharing:)
April sa…
Fascinating picture of the cloudy sky. Wonderful shapes and texture!
Marie sa…
Tungt och grått. Som sinnet ibland. Tur att det kan växla så :-)
Elisabeth sa…
Interesting perspective (again) and great color.
I LOVE it that you've used the wires to enhance the photo rather than try to avoid them. Good one, for sure!
eileeninmd sa…
It is a very moody photo. The wires make it look abstract. Thanks for sharing your sky.
Gypsy Lala sa…
Cool blue, the wires height lighted the sky.
Danton sa…
Artistic frame of an interesting sky.

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