Sepia Scenes — A quiet battle

Photo by Artlover, LH
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Petra sa…
Gillar bild och rubrik!
Love the geometric feel to this one
Marie sa…
Jag får lite "bakåtsvindel", men jag gillar detta, oh ja :-)
Pennelina sa…
De ser ut som enormt stora bär :-)

Kram från Pennelina
kayerj sa…
very unique--love it with the sepia effect
Anonym sa…
Very strong image. It looks great in sepia. Two aliens battling? Could be...
Anonym sa…
Minimalism at it's best - your use of sepia is very effective.
Ralph sa…
Actually, it think it looks like these two are at a party an merely talking to each other while holding their drinks. The imagination is a wonderful thing, pictures like this givoing different impressions...
Anonym sa…
Nice use of sepia, I like all of the shapes and lines!
Lorri sa…
I like the geometric shapes against the stark background. Very artsy.
Very nice. Has a Modern feel of art to me. I think B&W would look nice as well.
Anonym sa…
Looks like an invasion from "Men In Black" LOL Incredible perspective and imagination! You are good!
a wonderful perspective - different which is good!
Gena @ thinking aloud
Mikabella sa…
Läckert. Enkelt, avskallat men väldigt konstnärligt. Som blommor av metal och glas.
christina sa…
Snyggt, gillar perspektivet!
kyungmee sa…
I like this a lot! Very cool;)
anemonen sa…
Ett snyggt perspektiv och ett passande foto i sepia. Jag gillar symmetrin? kallas det så?-i bilden. De mjuka vita lyktorna mot den ljusa himlen och ändå syns de tydligt. Tjusigt!

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