Skywatch Friday — The calm before the storm

Photo by Artlover, LH
Click to enlarge the image

It promises to be stormy. Best to stay at home in the safe harbor.
The picture was taken last summer from Östhammar.

Posted for Skywatch Friday

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Great photo. Thanks for sharing!!! Have a nice SWF!!!
Tania sa…
Vakkert! Helt herlig bilde:-)
Ha en god kveld!
Chesney sa…
Oh, I love that dramatic sky - it almost looks painted! Wow, I want to come to your country...from everything I see of it, it is just beautiful!!
James sa…
Just before a storm is a great time for skywatch pictures. This one is no exception. Great shot.
Randi sa…
Vilken underbar sommarbild. Vilka vackra och spännande molnformationer! Längtar verkligen efter en blå himmel, men stormar har jag haft nog av nu.
Sylvia K sa…
Does look like moody clouds before a storm! But how beautiful they are and what a terrific capture! Have a great weekend!

Regina sa…
Awesome scene! Looks like the clouds can be reach and touch.
Enjoy the weekend.
Her var det nok uvær på vei ja, men et knallfint bilde av det hele!
fin sommarbild. Undrar nog lite hur det ser ut idag. :) Fast nu är man ju less på vinter.
terricreates sa…
All the blues are so complimentary, beautiful sky, love the boats at the marina.
Carletta sa…
Blue water, blue sky - I'd be content to sit right there on one of those boats and wait it out.
Beautiful shot!

In answer to your question about my framing. I use an old Microsoft program from 2006.
Anne sa…
You= one of the best Leif :-)
Lillsnörpa sa…
Så läckert! Vilken blogg du har. Helt i min smak! Kul att hitta hit /Lillsnörpa
christina sa…
Det är en viss tyngd i de där molnen, verkligen något dramatiskt på gång! Ha en fin dag!
LadyFi sa…
So dramatic! I love it.
aino sa…
I like this harbour picture. It is so nice and beautiful. Great shot.
Maria sa…
Påminner en hel del om hamnen vid Öregrund med alla båtarna där.
eileeninmd sa…
Awesomw capture of a beautiful sky! Well done!
Kcalpesh sa…
Mysterious and Interesting Picture! Great work of photography!

Pixellicious Photos

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