Skywatch Friday — Contrasts

Photo by Artlover, LH
Click to enlarge the image

Another picture, a memory from the summer, where the reeds swaying and contrasting with the sky.

Posted for Skywatch Friday

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Linda Jacobs sa…
So striking! Love the B&W!
Chesney sa…
Simplistic and so effective, makes a real statement...nice!
Anne sa…
Å du :-) din kreative mann!!! skikkelig stilig, nok en gang :-)
christina sa…
This is art!!! Jag älskar det!! Enkelt och stilfullt, därmed inte sagt att det är enkelt att komma på motivet!!
eileeninmd sa…
A lovely shot, it looks like a warm day.
Sylvia K sa…
What a marvelous monochrome shot! Love your composition! Definitely memories of summer! Hope you have a great weekend!

Great angles and geometry too.
Randi sa…
Skön bild! Vacker komposition!

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