2010 Virtual Photowalk — Disorder

Photo by Artlover, LH
Click to enlarge the image

The ice is breaking up, disorder to something new. Spring is on its way.

Photographed with my little Canon Ixus 100 IS. Exposure; 1/125 sec, f/5.8, Focal Length; 17,9 mm, ISO 200, Lens; 5,9-17,9 mm f/2.8
The image is processed in Lightroom 2.

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Esther sa…
This still looks cold as ice...and breaking up is hard to do.
Chesney sa…
That is the best kind of disorder you can find...especially w/ Spring riding on it's heels!
Anonym sa…
Nice! Though the ice itself is very orderly, the breaking up isn't!! Nice observation.
Ulrika K sa…
Det dröjer nog innan jag får se den synen här i Arvidsjaur, men nästa vecka ska jag till Göteborg. Då kanske. :-)

Trevlig helg!
~Val sa…
I'll be you are as glad as we are to have spring on the way. That muddy snow/ice combination can't disappear fast enough!
Anne sa…
LIKER det Leif, din toøkning av det du ser gjennom linsa :-)
Michelle W. sa…
I'm so glad we haven't seen that much ice here! Cool shot! I'm excited about spring as well.

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