
Photo by Artlover, LH
Click to enlarge the image

Exposure 1/2 sec. f/7.1, Focal Length 105,0 mm, ISO; 200, Lens; 105,0 mm, f/2,8
The image is processed in Photoshop.

Here we see a part from my table that I have at home. For the theme "Old-fashioned" I chose to show an old technique called intarsia, inlays sections of different colors of wood to create patterns and motifs in furniture. It was commonly used in furniture in the past. Making motifs in this way was very popular already during the renaissance.

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Sepia Scenes

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kyungmee sa…
very cool! nice job!
Pialotta sa…
Vad snyggt du fixat på din blogg.. gillar verkligen din design:)
Trevlig Påsk
Anonym sa…
Lovely details. Nothing quite like old wood and craftsmanship.
Chesney sa…
They don't make furniture like they used too! Love the design and great details in this!
Very nice table. My husband is a woodworker and would appreciate the work that went into making this!

Retired / Sepia Scenes
Anonym sa…
Beautiful table!! Great detail.
Sherrie sa…
Very nice shot for the theme. Love that kind of work. Too bad it isn't done as much today. Have a great day!

Anonym sa…
Really nice closeup of the inlay work. That must be one beautiful table!

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