Walking on ice in Stockholm

Photo by Artlover, LH
Click to enlarge the image

From an icy Stockholm, so much that you could walk on it.

Posted for My World Tuesday

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Randi sa…
Vilken härlig bild! Jag älskar dina Stockholmsvyer!
Tack för din kommentar - jag har gjort min hemsida i macens iweb. Superenkelt - bara dra och släppa - passar mig perfekt. Inte så snygg, men enkel att hantera och aldrig något strul. Det var det viktigaste för mig.
Pennelina sa…

Kramisar :-)
Shannara sa…
Helt otroligt vad mycket vinter det har varit i hela landet i år!

Härlig bild!
LadyFi sa…
Amazing! I saw snow scooters out on the ice on Vallentuna Lake this weekend!
Sylvia K sa…
Wow! That is cold! Beautiful blue skies though -- at least they were there long enough for you to catch them in your photo! Great shot! Hope you have a great week! Stay warm!

I have chillblaines just looking at it.
Chesney sa…
Brrrrrrrr....man does that look cold! No signs of melting either! Amazing how snow always makes me shiver but warms me quickly w/ it's beauty! Gorgeous image!
Regina sa…
Beautiful one!
We don't have winter.
Very nice photo!!!! The blue of the sky is marvelous!!!
Arija sa…
Nice way to take a short cut. How cold was your winter, could you also walk across the Baltic sea?

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