
Photo by Artlover, LH
Click to enlarge the image

Surreptitious advertising, right? But it´s an icy cold drink to the theme in all cases.

Exposure 1/2, f/16, Focal Length 105,0 mm, ISO 200.
The image is processed in Lightroom 2.

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You could sell that to Coke as an ad.
Chesney sa…
Perfect perspective...I am heading for the fridge now to grab one! :)
Annelie sa…
Åh vad snyggt! Den där kan du kanske bli rik på.......
Färgen, skärpan, vinkeln, fukten, den ser så krispig och härlig ut, jag blir såååå sugen!
Anonym sa…
Looks cold and delicious from here! Can't go wrong with the iconic can.

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