
Photo by Artlover, LH
Click to enlarge the image

Exposure 1/400, f/5.6, Focal Length 105,0 mm, ISO 200, Lens 105.0 mm, f/2.8
The image is processed in Lightroom 2.

Now it blooms everywhere in the flower beds. Here we see a pelagon who has woken up after the long winter.

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Pelargoner är riktigt fina. Snyggt ljus då har från sidan/Lis
Chesney sa…
wonderful lighting, it just makes all the beautiful details shine!
Anonym sa…
Gorgeous back lighting and exposure, Leif! The black background makes it even more stunning. Super job!
Michelle W. sa…
This is beautiful! I love the white flower against the black background. And the lighting is just the right touch.
Anonym sa…
This is quite stunning, Leif! Composition, light, focus - all spot on. Well done...


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