
Photo by Artlover, LH
Click to enlarge the image

Exposure 1/200, f/16, Focal Length 105,0 mm, ISO 200
Lens: 105.0 mm f/2.8. Flash enabled: Nikon Speedlight SB-800.
The image is processed in Lightroom 2.

Posted for 2010 Virtual Photowalk and Watery Wednesday

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2sweetnsaxy sa…
Wow! This is a great photo and a great piece of art. Love it!
Wow, det var verkligen ett häftigt kort..snyggt jobbat.

Anonym sa…
now this is an art that should be hanging on a wall.
Ebie sa…
Very impressive! Love the color combination, and truly a work of art!
Susanne sa…
Fantastiskt snygg!!!! En riktig höjdarbild. Mvh Susanne
luna sa…
Happy Watery Wednesday...Luna
eileeninmd sa…
Very creative shot! Happy Watery Wednesday!
Michelle W. sa…
This is great! How many shots did it take to capture it? I've been trying for a while now to catch a drop like this. However, so far, no luck.
foto CHIP sa…
Tjusigt! Är det spåkulan som dyker upp ur djupet :)
Cool! THose colors work really well together, and the drop - excellent!
Laura sa…
very interesting photo:)
Anonym sa…
Wonderful capture! Love the colors and technique.
Marie-Louise sa…
Vad ska man säga, du är en konstnär. =) Ha en trevlig kväll.
Anonym sa…
I like your art photo very much! :D
Tania sa…
Stilig! Du er flink på det her.
Vet ikke om jeg har husket å si det, men den nye designen din er flott:-)
Sherrie sa…
Hi Leif,
Beautiful, Stunning, Awesome are just three words I can think of. Have a great day!


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