Menacing Sky

Photo by Artlover, LH
Click to enlarge the image

Light and menacing at the same time provides dramatic effect. That is awesome and I publish this picture to Skywatch. Watch and enjoy.

Posted for Skywatch Friday


Kcalpesh sa…
Awesome monochrome! The scene is really very dramatic!

Pixellicious Photos
Rinkly Rimes sa…
You've captured the menace beautifully.
Tammie Lee sa…
wonderfully dramatic~
Noel Morata sa…

and happy earth day, those clouds are more menacing in monochrome

would you care to join me on a new challenge i have posted on my site

come and join us.
Laura sa…
Very dramatic!
syel sa…
dramatic and scary looking sky!
Anonym sa…
Beautiful contrast! The skies are cloudy but bright as well, very nicely done.
LadyFi sa…
Very dramatic in black and white! Superb.
Bill sa…
It really looks a menacing sky. Wonderful shot.
din bild, Leif, är ett drama.
Jag var i Göteborg, Leif...och fotograferade dramatik himmel.
har en bra helg, kära


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