
Photo by Artlover, LH
Click to enlarge the image.

This rust comes from my old car that I´ve neglected to do anything about. Up to close it looks terribly out of. I´ve lot to do in this summer, among to fix this...:-( Here we see the bottom of the left passenger door from my car.

Exposure 1/150, f/5,3, Focal Length 70,0 mm, ISO 200. Lens: 24-120 mm.
The image is processed in Lightroom 2.

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Chesney sa…
Love the texture in this!
anemonen sa…
Oj då Mx5:an gick igenom med blankt papper som vanligt. Hugaligen vad rost. Tänk en gång fixade jag rosten på min 75:a Volvo en sommar.Det tog hela semestern (4v). Det gör jag inte om. Ha det gott och lycka till.
Annelie sa…
O o! Inte kul, fast det blev ju en häftig bild i alla fall!
Anonym sa…
Wow, that damage makes for a powerful texture! Cool!
~Val sa…
Wonderful texture. Looks like it would make a great overlay for another photo, to "grunge" it up.
Anonym sa…
Detailed texture in this shot. Hope you can work on it this summer.

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