
Photo by Artlover, LH
Click on image to enlarge

Up in the blue sky.

Posted for Skywatch Friday

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Mar-Bear sa…
This is fantastic! Great capture!
Sylvia K sa…
Terrific capture! Love that vivid blue sky and the weather vane is perfect! Have a great weekend!

Anonym sa…
Ah, Niiice!
Anonym sa…
very nice shot, Lei..congrats
Excellent. You captured this at the perfect angle.
Laura sa…
amazing photo!
Carver sa…
That's so beautiful. I love the way weather vanes look and you caught the light so well in this one.
LV sa…
Great piece of work on your part. You captured that really well.
VioletSky sa…
Perfect crisp capture.
LadyFi sa…
Perfect shot of weather vane and a shy sun peeking through.
Lindz sa…
perfect, you timed really well and centred the ray of light.
Kcalpesh sa…
Fantastic, You chose a perfect angle to shooot this one!

Pixellicious Photos
Lakshmi sa…
wow..what a shot !
Anne sa…
Just in right place to the right time :-)

God helg til deg kjære venn
Chesney sa…
Spectacular...this is a fantastic subject!!

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