
Photo by Artlover/LH
Click to enlarge the image

The morning dawned with a glorious sunrise over the lake. It´s the best time of day to photograph.

Exposure 1/125, f/20, Focal Length 10,0 mm, ISO 200. Lens: 10,0 - 24,0 mm, f/3.5-4.5.
The image is processed in Lightroom 2.

Posted for:
Skywatch Friday

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A lovely classic image. The rays coming off the sun make it.
Anonym sa…
Anonym sa…
That takes my breath away....spectacular!
Annelie sa…
Gudomligt vackert!
En helt fantastisk bild! Magisk!
Ha en fin dag!
Elisabeth sa…
What a wonderful capture! Super nice, as always.
Kcalpesh sa…
You Really Are a Brilliant Artist at Capturing Such Wonderful Scenes!!

Pixellicious Photos
Gunsside sa…
Nydelig refleksjon - flott med den blå himmelen mot det gylne ;)
Arija sa…
I fully agree, the morning light has a very special quality. Lovely shot.
Laura sa…
absolutely captivating! Beautiful shot, thanks so much for sharing it with us :)
What a beautiful sight to wake up to .
Calm and serene. Wonderful. Valerie
Carver sa…
What a beautiful morning it was. I love the reflection.
Carolyn Ford sa…
To walk out your door so early in the morning and see this sight would be pure heaven!
PeacefulGirl sa…
Beautiful!! I'm inspired to get out of bed earlier :)
Hildred sa…
Beautiful, - the whole picture seems to explode from the rays of the sun.
Regina sa…
What a glorious and inspiring morning.
Awesome reflections as well.
Anonym sa…
Magical hour for light...fantastic photograph.
syel sa…
stunning! you were awake during the golden hour :)
ninja sa…
Don't mind my stereotypical thinking but all that photo might be missing is Grieg in the background;)
Tracy sa…
Oh this is so beautiful! I have to wake up earlier. :-)
eileeninmd sa…
Great capture and a gorgeous sunrise. Happy skywatching.
Oh VERY beautiful photo!

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