Sky, morning sky

Photo by Artlover/LH
Click to enlarge the image

Exposure 1/250, f/5,6, Focal Length 17,0 mm, ISO 200. Lens: 10,0-24,0 mm, f/3.8-4.5.
The image is processed in Lightroom 2.

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Sylvia K sa…
Breathtaking skies! And you've captured them so beautifully! Love the clouds and the soft colors! Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonym sa…
Vilken fin och stämningsfull bild.
Ha en fin kväll.
Torsdag 1952 sa…
Will be a nice day, I hope !!!

Elisabeth sa…
Fantastic! You did it again! Super the angle and perspective. What fabulous clouds! Wow!

Creativity--Bits and Pieces
Kcalpesh sa…
The shot is really marvelous! Thanks a bunch for sharing the camera settings!!

Recently I switched to a custom domain and have lost friends on google friend connect. Request you to re-join :-)

Pixellicious Photos
Inday sa…
Good morning Sweden,

That is a very lovely sunrise to get up into with.

Carver sa…
What a beautiful way to start the day. The sky is so beautiful and so are the surroundings.
A gorgous burst of refreshing light in this sky!
Gunsside sa…
Oj dette var et nydelig foto, herlig vinkel, og farger ;)
syel sa…
love the wideness of this photo! did you bend low to the ground? love the perspective! :)
Laura sa…
absolutely beautiful!
Lennie sa…
Wonderful picture, really!
Chesney sa…
As always, just beautiful Leif, you captured the very essence of morning and the soft light which fills the landcape! Love those puffy clouds against that blue sky, also the dimension in this is great - perfect depth!
This is very beautiful!
Your photograph reminds me to get up early so I don't miss that wonderful time of day. This is a fantastic image.
Nina sa…
Härlig bild, gillar perspektivet! Du kan verkligen inspirera!
Kristin sa…
Beautiful morning sky. Feels like fresh air. Nice to wake up on a wonderful day like this. =)

Happy skywatch Friday
hope you have a nice day.

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