Evening Sky
Photo by Artlover/LH
Click to enlarge the image
The moon reflecting in the lake. Everything is quiet and calm in the summer evening. As it should be.
Exposure 1/40, f/5,0, Focal Length 24,0 mm (in DX-format), ISO 200. Lens: 10,0-24,0 mm, f/3.5-4.5.
The image is processed in Lightroom 2.
Posted for Skywatch Friday
Click to enlarge the image
The moon reflecting in the lake. Everything is quiet and calm in the summer evening. As it should be.
Exposure 1/40, f/5,0, Focal Length 24,0 mm (in DX-format), ISO 200. Lens: 10,0-24,0 mm, f/3.5-4.5.
The image is processed in Lightroom 2.
Posted for Skywatch Friday
Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om Skywatch Friday, Friday, Foto, Bild, Vidvinkel, Natur, Sommar, Kväll, Artlover
Excellent Photography :-)
Pixellicious Photos
Great Capture.