Macro Monday — Monster in the forest

Photo by Artlover/LH
Click to enlarge the image

It is not just bears that splashed into the forest but also a beetle on the moss. Monster is not only in the imagination. They are in reality also, so look under your bed tonight:-) Maybe, you can find an Alien there.

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Annelie sa…
Ooooui, det var en riktig rckare, kanonsnyggt fotat!
Anonym sa…
If I ran into him in the forest I would run! :) Incredible capture!
anemonen sa…
Den ser verkligen skräckinjagande ut. Härligt macrofoto.
Hero sa…
Tjusig macro! På nära håll ser de verkligen ut som monster. eller är det monster som är inspirerade av insekter kanske?

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