The spider in the web

Photo by Artlover/LH
Click to enlarge the image

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The Weekend in Black and White

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Madelaine sa…
Will you walk into my parlor said the spider to the fly. : )
christina sa…
Spindlar är lika flitiga som myror, tror jag. Vackert fångat!
Carver sa…
That's a fantastic capture of the spider spinning its perfect web.
Dragonstar sa…
That poor spider has a lot of repair work to do!
Such is life, of the spider! A simple life, easily repaired after his capture, or demolition by insensitive
gardeners! Surely not as bad as losing a house to
a tornado. Beautiful shot of a damagad planned trap!
Anne sa…
Du er bare god du!!
Verna Luga sa…
wow, it;s like a woman raising her arms .. very nice one.. Anything Davao
Regina sa…

Happy B/W Weekend.
Anonym sa…
What an artist that spider is! I like this in black and white...the simplicity makes the web stand out that much more!
Carolyn Ford sa…
Spiders ARE amazing! Very nicely composed and lighted!
anemonen sa…
Bra foto på Imse i nätet!

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