Water Wednesday #99

Photo by Artlover/LH
Click to enlarge the image

Exposure 1/6, f/14, Focal Length 32,0 mm, ISO 200. Lens: 24.0-70.0 mm, f/2.8.
The image is processed in Lightroom 2.

Posted for Watery Wednesday

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Chesney sa…
Just gorgeous!! I love the black and white for this!
Photo Cache sa…

This works so well in black and white.
So very pretty and looking so romantic in monochrome!
Anonym sa…
I bet it looks great in color, but the b&w gives it a mysterious feel!
anemonen sa…
En bild med fin effekt. Just monochromt gör sig så fint just här. Artistiskt jobbat.
annies home sa…
what a great picture it attracts and keeps the eye

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