Rotating Sky

Photo by Artlover/LH
Click to enlarge the image

Exposure 2077,0 sec, f/4,2, Focal Length 15,0 mm (in DX-format), ISO 200. Lens: 10,0-24,0 mm, f/3.5-4.5.

Posted for Skywatch Friday

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Very cool swirling sky. I'm not sure how you did that but I'm impressed.
Elisabeth sa…
Super nice...great effect and fabulous color. Happy SkyWatch Fricay...hope you have a grand weekend.
Great capture !!!
The night sky comes alive with movement...well done.
great shot, dear
nice friday
Anonym sa…
I don't know how you do that - but it is spectacular!
Anonym sa…
Such fun!
Gunnar sa…
Veldig bra dette her, sånn har jeg og lyst til å prøve meg på. Jeg har trodd at en sånn effekt oppnåes med flere eksponeringer, men det ser ut som du har fått dette til med en lang eksponering.
Takk for tipset.
what an awesome photo, terrific
Sylvia K sa…
Fantastic capture! I do love your swirling skies! Breathtaking! Have a great weekend!

Laura sa…
wonderful effect!
Arija sa…
A lovely capture indeed, it makes my head spin.
Linnea sa…
Terrific! I feel like I'm skywatching and spinning around!
*sv; ja, jag brukar oxå redigera typ skärpa, olika kurvor osv. Jag skulle dock aldrig få för mig att t.ex. göra mig själv smalare. DET är fusk!*
Anonym sa…
Spänande, långtidsexponering och vidvinkel. Sånt vill man prova. Nätter är en så bra tid att fota på ;)
Anonym sa…
Stunning shot, Artlover! I have not tried one of these photos, though I know the technique behind it. Yours is one of the best I've seen...:)

Anonym sa…
How cool is that? It almost makes me dizzy! :)
great compositio and angle of this one. Making the circle shapes show your great photographic skill!
den där bilden har du jobbat med. Du har ju tom fått rotationcentrum på rätt ställe. Snyggt! :)

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