The Weekend in Black & White — Monochrome Webb

Photo by Artlover/LH
Click to enlarge the image

Posted for The Weekend in Black and White

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anemonen sa…
Ett vackert spindelnät. Lite avis på dina fina nät. Undrar när jag skall lyckas fånga ett? Ha en fin helg.
Rejen sa…
Meget fint spndelvæv....dejligt billede...
Dragonstar sa…
A beautiful seasonal photo!
Irene sa…
Nydelig .... perfekt i sort/hvitt!
genie sa…
This is a fabulous shot. I just love studying webs and how they flow from one spot to another. The way you were able to capture this one is amazing. I really like it.
Anonym sa…
Wow! Nice shot of the web! It looks amazing! =)

Anyway, here's mine.. Hope you could visit back and drop a comment. Thanks a bunch!

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