After work...

Photo by Artlover/LH
Click to enlarge

Where others have gone home from work for the day, I begin to work...

Posted for Skywatch Friday

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Anonym sa…
Drop dead gorgeous!!!
Sylvia K sa…
Gorgeous, blazing colors! Terrific capture for the day! Happy SWF! Have a great weekend!

Anonym sa…
Beautifully colored!
Quiet Paths sa…
This is a dawn photo? Very very pretty colors.
waw, colors are really wonderful! graet picture!
Anonym sa…
What gorgeous colours in the sky.
syel sa…
stunning view! :) i've never seen cranes that beautiful :)
anemonen sa…
Tjusig vy. Gillar de lite mörkare kvällsvyerna. Nu ser jag att du lyckats få till det med länkningen. Ha en fin helg.
Carver sa…
I love the colorful sky. Very beautiful.
Don Wood sa…
I love red sky and I love big machines so I just love this picture . XXX Don

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