138- Hanging

Photo by Artlover/LH
Click to enlarge


en av fördelarna med snö (kanske den enda...)- det blir konstnärliga former
Dragonstar sa…
What a photo! Snow here can slide off the roof, but I've never seen a hanging ribbon like that. It looks just like a roll of cotton-wool on a model. Well spotted!
John sa…
Humorous shot, well spotted.
Anonym sa…
Barely hanging on...don't think I would want to stand under that! :)
ormbunke sa…
Påpassligt och kul svarvit bild.Ha de gott i helgen. Anita
terricreates sa…
That's a lot of snow. But natural deco for the store/restaurant. Great catch, don't stomp your feet, it might fall.
Conor Coen sa…
that's astonishing , brillaint photp
Elisabeth sa…
Där var det överhäng. Kul foto. Ha dé!
Anonym sa…
This is a great capture for the theme.
Anonym sa…
You find the neatest things to photograph!! I like the black and white for this image.
Julie McLeod sa…
I can't even imagine how the snow is hanging on like that. Very odd! It does, indeed, make a great black and white.
egentligen är det konstigt att snön hänger ihop sådär. :) Blev bra i s-v.
Birgitta sa…
Vilket häftigt foto!
Du...Mitt trädfoto är faktiskt taget med min gamla kamera Minolta Dimage Z1...
Anonym sa…
What an unusual snow formation and a great capture of it.

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