22. — Black and White Image

Photo by Artlover/LH
Click to enlarge


Dragonstar sa…
A stiking and unusual image. I like all the riveted detail in the background setting off all the different lines and shapes in the foreground.
Motivet passar väldigt bra i svartvitt! Bra!

Ha en trevlig helg! :-)
Gisele sa…
very interesting, but I'm not sure I understand what it is. A lock on a trunk?
David sa…
That's a great shot. It made me look twice to imagine what it was.
Happy B&W Weekend.
David/ Houston
An interesting, creative subject! The regular, geometric shape of the rivets contrasts beautifully with the curves of the anchor!
Snyggt utsnitt och fina toner!
Ha en fin kväll :)
anemonen sa…
Det där var ett stiligt foto. Tänk vad det är snyggt med svartvita foton.

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