9. — Arranged

Photo by Artlover/LH
Click to enlarge

With two flashes, one as a main flash in front and the second one as an external flash behind and under the table where the icebear stands on. With the external flash I built a cardboard snoot, which gives a limited cirkle of light. And this was the result of lighting arrangement.

365 days in photos

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Wa, that is great.. colours are fantastics))
Gisele sa…
I love the warm glow in this shot. Well done!
Leovi sa…
Excellent photo with wonderful light and a very nice reflections
Julie McLeod sa…
Excellent result! I'm glad you told us how you did it too...
Lois sa…
You have achieved a wonderful lighting effect with this image.
Anonym sa…
What a top notch image, so creative and unique! A new favorite (do I say that every time I come over here)? :)
Beatriz sa…
oh! un oso de cristal y amarillo
Annika sa…
Så snyggt ljussatt! Bravo.
Kan du inte fota en variant i isande blått också? Kanske en annan gång :-) Hojta till i så fall så kommer jag på studs för att kika ;-)
Artlover sa…
Hej Annika!
Ja, det ska jag göra. Jag får köpa blåa pappersark till bakgrund. Sedan ska jag ställa björnen på ett annat underlag än på glas. Nu är speglingen för stark.

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