Bike season

Photo by Artlover/LH
Click to enlarge

Posted for:
The Weekend in Black and White


Dragonstar sa…
Fun photo! Looks like a very cool seat ;)
Julie McLeod sa…
I love this, Leif. You did a great job of choosing an angle to shoot from and also focusing on just the essentials.
Berit sa…
Ikke riktig enda, men det blir etter hvert:)
Fint bilde:)
Barbara sa…
Great detail - wouldn't like to sit on that saddle!
Laura sa…
Great title and really fun photo:-)
Vi väntar lite med cykelturen tror ja :)
Gillar bilden starkt!
Lois sa…
Yes, that is one cool ride!
anemonen sa…
Festligt foto och det är säkert kallt men mjukt på sadeln.
genie sa…
If that bike was here, my husband would scrape off the show, push it up to the road and take off where the plows have scraped. This is such a neat shot...for the wife of an OCD biker, it is especially appealing.

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