215. — Panning (motion) shot

Photo by Artlover/LH
Click to enlarge

This was a difficult task. This image may be satisfactory to the theme. I took it because I like the swirling streamers from the wheels of the car.

Exposure 1/8 sec, f/5,6, Focal Length 34.0 mm, ISO 200. Lens: 24-70 mm f/2.8.
The image is processed in Lightroom 3.

Posted for:
..slice of life 2011..
365 days in photos

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anemonen sa…
Det där blev häftigt. Din svarvita bild på bromsarna gillar jag och Kallan är så vacker. Jag är förtjust i alla vita blommor men den Kalln alltså är så enkel men ändå vacker. Ha en fin dag.
anemonen sa…
Hej igen. Hur har du skaffat gilla-knappen i din blogg? Vore tacksam för hjälp.
Chesney sa…
You have convinced me that I need to try this...I love your results!

I laughed at your angry bird comment on my blog...I can't get pass level 3 and those angry birds are making me angry! :)
Bobbi Dunn sa…
I like your fulfillment of the theme! I'm encouraged to try something similar.
Anonym sa…
great image, its very difficult to pan and shoot, and you've done it brilliantly

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