224. — Pleasure

Photo by Artlover/LH
Click to enlarge

Pleasure in the city´s noise.

Exposure: 1/320 sec, f/3,3, Focal Length 19,2 mm (90 mm in 35 mm film), ISO 100. Camera: Leica D-Lux 5 (My favorite camera).
The image is processed in Photoshop CS5.1 .

Posted for:
..slice of life 2011..
365 days in photos

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Chesney sa…
Composed perfectly...loving the man sleeping as the city passes him by!
Anonym sa…
Hej var med och tävla om dagens blogg där alla mina 200-250 läsare blir din här på http://laakinoiise.blogg.se/2011/september/dagens-blogg-onsdag-1.html#comment

Förlåt om du inte gillar sånna här kommentarer! :)
Ralph sa…
The dockhand has been working very hard on the pier all morning. His chores now complete, he gets a well deserved rest. Nicely captured!


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