245. — (New) Retro
Photo by Artlover/LH
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I want this car...
I think it's great that car manufacturers have taken up the old retro design of the old cars. Chevrolet Camoro is an example of the muscle cars that has taken the design of the Camaro from 1968 and -69 model (see below). This is my dream car
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I want this car...
I think it's great that car manufacturers have taken up the old retro design of the old cars. Chevrolet Camoro is an example of the muscle cars that has taken the design of the Camaro from 1968 and -69 model (see below). This is my dream car
Photo by Artlover/LH
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Photographed with my little Leica D-Lux 5
Posted for:
..slice of life 2011..
365 days in photos
The Weekend in Black and White
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Photographed with my little Leica D-Lux 5
Posted for:
..slice of life 2011..
365 days in photos
The Weekend in Black and White
Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om 365 Photo in 2011, foto, Bild, Kuriosa, Fordon, svartvitt, The Weekend in Black and White, Chevrolet Camaro, Bilar