
Photo by Artlover/LH
Click to enlarge

Two against one or...?


Shannara sa…
Ville bara visa att jag kikar in hos deltagarna i mixen... =) Inte alltid jag har tid att skriva något!

Så välkommen in i veckans mix! Ha en skön helg!
genie sa…
I would love to be sitting there by those trees with a picnic lunch and a glass of wine. Such a peaceful and tranquil place which you have captured beautifully. genie
anemonen sa…
Fin fikabacke det där även i B&W. Gillas Ha de...
Mildred sa…
Very nice shot! Two against two;o)
Thanks for sharing;o)

Have a nice and happy week****
Dragonstar sa…
That's an interesting question - and an interesting photo too!

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