146. — Holidays

Photo by Artlover/LH
Click to enlarge

Exposure 1/350 sec, f/4,8, Focal Length 24,0 mm, ISO 200. Lens: 24.0-70,0 mm, f/2.8.
The image is processed in Lightroom 3.

Posted for:
..slice of life 2011..
365 days in photos


A scenic slice of rural life! Love how the landscape is so panoramic and the figures so small!
Birgitta sa…
Riktigt fint foto av vardagen! Passa bra i s/v!
LadyD Piano sa…
Very nice photo... congrats!
Cheers from California!
Dragonstar sa…
What a great photo of dogs taking their people for an enjoyable walk!
kareninkenai sa…
very lovely image; nice area/park to walk the pets - looks like it could be near an airport? thanks, kareninkenai (weekend in b/w)

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