Old photo

Photo by Artlover/LH
Click to enlarge

Have you tried to build your own camera? Here is an example on it.
This time, I scanned in an old copy of a photo, which I´ve photographed with a tea can (see below). Note my homemade shutter:-). When I shot this picture the shutterspeed was ca 25-30 sec. Note the stripes of cars on the street.

 Photo by Artlover/LH
Click to enlarge the images

The basis for a camera and how it works, Camera obscura.

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HansHB sa…
Herlig bidrag. Har prøvd det samme med utgangspunkt i ei skoeske!
Ha ei fin helg!
genie sa…
It is hard for me to imagine your taking this photo with your homemade camera. You are so creative. I am still trying to learn to use my Canon Rebel.Your camera really did work well. genie
Carver sa…
I haven't ever tried to make a camera. That's so cool that you have. I like the old shot.
Birgitta sa…
Din hemmagjorda kamera ser verkligen cool ut :) Härligt bidrag!
Så kult! Har aldri prøvd det selv, bare lest om teknikken!Herlig:)
Ha en fin helg:)
Dragonstar sa…
That's probably the best way to learn about the effect of light on emulsion, and the basics of photography. Looks like you had a lot of fun with this!
anemonen sa…
Jag säger som Dragonstar. Häftigt och jag har aldrig testat, men känner till camera obscura. Jag tycker detta var ett fint val till B&W

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