Skywatch above the Sea

Photo by Artlover/LH
Click to enlarge

The border between land and sea, clouds and cloud-free...

Posted for Skywatch Friday

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Randi sa…
Vilken vacker spegling i vattenytan!
MJ sa…
Breathtaking and lovely!
eileeninmd sa…
What a beautiful water scene and reflection. Gorgeous photo. Happy skywatching!
WildBlack sa…
Amazing view. The land and the sky has the same pattern and seems to be a continuation..

Unknown sa…
Beautiful mood in this photo, and an intriguing reddish reflection!
Linnea sa…
I love the contrasts in lighting here: tranquil and pure on the left and dark and dramatic on the right. Thanks for stopping by!
'Tsuki sa…
Very nice composition with the clouds the light and the reflection on the water...

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