Tisdagstema – Eld

Photo by Artlover/LH
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Eld är ett passande tema sådan här dag som denna när det är Valborg. Om det är någon som har saknat mig så har jag varit utan dator ett tag pga. att min gamla dator kraschade. Det blev inte eld och lågor där. Som tur var hade jag gjort en back-up på min externa hårddisk innan det hände. Medan den gamla är på service har jag skaffat mig en ny, en MacBook Pro som jag sitter med nu.

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Anonym sa…
Beautiful close up...so warm and so striking!
Anita A sa…
Många flammande eldar i går och det brinner även hos dig.

Bra att du var förutseende med back-up, en dator kan lägga av när man minst anar det!
Judy sa…
Gorgeous!!! And so suitable for this warm weather - I can have a fire and not get too hot!!!
Anonym sa…
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Pretty much every game Gustavsson plays, he gives up a whack of goals, almost always three or more. Every game Ron Wilson and Brian Burke and many Leaf fans go out of their way to say it wasn't his fault, that he could have sued his defence for nonsupport, that you can't pin this one on him..
The mom's club serves meals to the team on Thursday after practice and on Friday between school and the game. All food is donated by a restaurant, commisary, whatever, but it's to feed the BOYS. [url=http://www.magliecalcio-2013.com/]maglie calcio a poco prezzo 2013[/url] A model wears a design created by Vivienne Westwood during London Fashion Week, at the Saatchi Gallery in West London, Sunday, Feb.
We in the activist community can spend weeks tearing down Invisible Children's effort. Or, we can choose to accept the new reality of the Attention Economy and get to work. Goldhaber forecasts in his paper, "If you have enough attention, you can get anything you want." What do you want?.
There aren't very many books to read for women in my position. [url=http://www.magliecalcioitalia.net/]maglie calcio italia[/url] This year was the richest professional learning experience of my career, but it was also one of the most challenging. I had to become a different kind of teacher. I was no longer a dispenser of information.
L'utilizzo di dati di grandi nello sport non 猫 un fenomeno del tutto nuovo. Come il libro (e il suo successivo adattamento cinematografico) Moneyball ritratta, Billy Bean, il Direttore Generale di Oakland Athletics, l'analisi dei dati annunciata e principi statistici nel baseball un decennio fa. Modellando la loro squadra usando principi simili, i Boston Red Sox, pochi anni dopo, notoriamente vinto la loro prima World Series in 86 anni.

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