Sky II

Photo by Artlover/LH
Click to enlarge the image

Exposure 1/40, f/4,5, Focal Length 24,0 mm, ISO 200. Lens: 24.0-120.0 mm, f/3.5-5.6.
The image is processed in Lightroom 2.

Posted for:&
Skywatch Friday

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Tania sa…
Herlig himmel og regnbue og så vakre farger!
Ha en fin kveld:-)
Dani sa…
amazing shot!

Happy SW Friday!
Kim, USA sa…
Oh wow this is fantastic sight!!

SWF:Fiery sky
I'd love to know what caused that pink arch
Arija sa…
A great double rainbow. Was it sunrise or sunset that gave it the pink glow?
clairz sa…
Absolutely wonderful shot!
Jossie sa…
Stunning sky!
Wonderful photo...just a shame those wires had to jump in there and try to take our attention away from that great rainbow.
Don't you just hate wires? I know I do.
Gaelyn sa…
Wow, what an excellent capture of a breathtaking sky.
Pat sa…
That's a wonderful pink arcing light in the sky...Is it a rainbow? A very unusual sight!
Kcalpesh sa…
Wow,a this is magnificent!! Beautifully shot!

Pixellicious Photos
Carolyn Ford sa…
This is quite amazing...and just pink...that is curious! It's really beautiful!
LadyFi sa…
A pink rainbow! Such an amazingly beautiful photo!
Ma.links sa…
Love rainbows, great shot!
Mary sa…
This is the pink color in it.
Laura sa…
wow! beautiful!
eileeninmd sa…
Beautiful pink rainbow! Great capture! Happy skywatching!
Incredible bow of colour! Almost like a burst of soft candy!
Anonym sa…
Gorgeous double rainbow. Stunning colors.

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