Sky II
Photo by Artlover/LH
Click to enlarge the image
Exposure 1/40, f/4,5, Focal Length 24,0 mm, ISO 200. Lens: 24.0-120.0 mm, f/3.5-5.6.
The image is processed in Lightroom 2.
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Skywatch Friday
Läs även andra bloggares åsikter om 2010 Virtual Photowalk, Skywatch Friday, Regnbåge, Foto, Bild, Tema, Färg, Artlover
Click to enlarge the image
Exposure 1/40, f/4,5, Focal Length 24,0 mm, ISO 200. Lens: 24.0-120.0 mm, f/3.5-5.6.
The image is processed in Lightroom 2.
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Skywatch Friday
Ha en fin kveld:-)
Happy SW Friday!
SWF:Fiery sky
Gopalswamy Hills
Don't you just hate wires? I know I do.
Pixellicious Photos